Make Solar Sense Magazine

In a joint venture, the BPVA and Haymarket Media Group plan to launch the UK's first ever consumer focused solar magazine, website and national campaign.

The objective - to convert UK roof owners into hot prospects for the solar industry by showcasing how solar can Make money, Save Money, Save the planet. 

The Make Solar Sense Journey 

Stage 1- Launch nationwide campaign, reach millions of UK roof owners, using Haymarket's industry leading portfolio and ABC1 audience  &  drive traffic to 

Stage 2 - Build database of at least 100,000 qualified sales leads

Stage 3 - Send Make Solar Sense magazine to all qualified leads; influence consumer decision making

Stage 4 - Create solar advocate community - continue the conversation with ongoing content and promotion across Make Solar Sense channels and website

Why get involved?

Make Solar Sense offers your company a unique opportunity to connect your business directly with millions of UK consumers;

  • Promote your brand to millions of UK roof owners
  • Reach qualified sales leads
  • Align your brand with trusted, independent editorial
  • Build consumer confidence in your business
  • Help your brand become a household name in the UK solar market

About Haymarket Media Group 

Creating award-winning specialist content for international audiences.

UK's largest privately owned media and information company, comprised of over 70 industry leading brands.

Over 60 years’ experience, £250m turnover with 1200 UK employees.

Experts in building communities 

  • Specialists in both consumer and business media
  • Specialist in the renewable energy sector - owners of Windpower Monthly - world lading tile on wind power, ENDs Europe and Planning
  • Specialist in delivering client campaigns; 2012 Olympics, Berkeley Homes, Jaguar, FIFA, Sports Direct and many more -

Unrivalled reach for consumer and commercial cut through, deep knowledge and trusted, independent editorial. Nowhere else can you access UK rooftop owners to build your brand's image and delivery your message directly.

To receive more information about our campaign or to advertise in Make Solar Sense Magazine, please e-mail [email protected]

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Click here to download the brochure on Make Solar Sense

Click here to download 'BPVA & Haymarket Publishing - Make Solar Sense'

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